Minimum Order

Freeze dried petfood - Information - Minimum order amount

Minimum order amount of our freeze-dried products

ProduktMindestabnahmeLieferzeit (Werktage)Lieferung erfolgt perVerpackung (weitere auf Anfrage)
Produkt verfügbar
10-15kg1-4 TagePaketdienst, gratisLose
16-25kg1-4 TagePaketdienst, gratisLose, Standard Pouch 250g
26-50kg1-4 TagePaketdienst, gratisLose, Standard Pouch 200g-350g, Labeln
51-250kg1-7 TageSpedition, gratisLose, Standard Pouch, Vakuumiert, Eigene Verpackung, Labeln
Produkt nicht verfügbar
10-15kg7-14 TagePaketdienst, gratisLose
16-25kg7-14 TagePaketdienst, gratisLose, Standard Pouch 250g
26-50kg7-10 TagePaketdienst, gratisLose, Standard Pouch 200g-350g, Labeln
51-250kg7-10 TageSpedition, gratisLose, Standard Pouch, Vakuumiert, Eigene Verpackung, Labeln
Kundenprodukt / individuelle Zusammensetzung*
26-50kg7-10 TagePaketdienst, gratisLose, Standard Pouch 200g-350g, Labeln
51-250kg7-10 TageSpedition, gratisLose, Standard Pouch, Vakuumiert, Eigene Verpackung, Labeln

Minimum order:

Please note that for smaller orders there are always flat-rate postage costs. Our standard products are available in all our standard packaging. You can also receive the goods loose, i.e. in bags and fill them yourself. Please observe the valid feed regulations and regulations.

The minimum order quantity refers to all the goods you have ordered. You are free to determine the type of product as you wish, as long as the above-mentioned purchase quantities are reached.

Mindestabnahme bei gefriergetrocknet
Your goods are packed in our pouches as standard. For very small quantities, we deliver the goods in bulk.

For example, you can take 5kg of poultry hearts and 5kg of beef thaler or combine other varieties as you like.
We are always trying to offer further packaging options and we also have transparent trays for our mussels and crayfish, for example, with a capacity of about 15g. Please contact us by phone if your desired product packaging is not listed.

For individual customer orders we need guideline values, in which period of time approximately how many products are required. This is the only way we can guarantee permanent delivery without waiting times. With individual admixtures such as fruit, vegetables or herbs, we make every effort to store them carefully for you. In contrast to our standard products, these are always produced according to order situation. There is no stock-keeping as with our standard products. In the event of unexpectedly high demand, our business customers take precedence over standard product customers.